About Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use satire?

In short, there are plenty of apologetics websites devoted to dry long-winded evidence for the Christian truth that do it quite well. There has never been, as far as I am aware an Onion or Babylon Bee-type website specifically devoted to apologetics. However, I wrote a lengthy article detailing those reasons and more, here. https://rocksolidapologia.com/?p=963 Additionally, check out my interview with Dr. Douglas Groothuis on the topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CmI0WNrLS8

Are you really “the world’s one and only apologetics satire site?”

Yes. This does not mean other apologists don’t use satire from time to time, check out Acts 17 Apologetics “Muhammad’s Boom Boom Room for an example. All we claim is that we are the only apologetics website whose focus is predominantly satire, so much so that it is pretty much the only thing we market ourselves as. 

How often do you post?

Every Monday and Wednesday there will be a new article posted before you go to bed. Periodically, I will do a third article on a Tuesday or Thursday. 

Do you have a podcast?

Yes, indeed we do. It is on YouTube as “Rock Solid Apologia.” On the podcast, you will get video versions of articles published here, as well as some interviews with top-notch apologists. 


Who writes this stuff? Are you really a teenager?

I have written the overwhelming majority of the content here on Rock Solid Apologia. In fact, if the author is “admin” and there is no publisher’s note right above it, stating who the author is, I can guarantee you it was written by me. My name is Will England, and I am eighteen years old. Feel free to send me an email at rocksolidapologia@gmail.com or through our contact page. I’d love to hear from you!

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