Muhammad Wondering Where the Pictures of Him Are in the Gospels
Muhammad Wondering Where the Pictures of Him Are in the Gospels

Satura Apologia Today

Mecca – Unrest in Mecca, as Muhammad’s companions found the prophet of Islam peering into a Sunday School Bible flipping from illustration to illustration. The unlettered prophet carefully averted his eyes from the text, as though he had never seen letters before.

            “Where am I?” Muhammad demanded of his companions.

            “You are right here,” one of his companions replied, flummoxed by such an obvious question.

            “No, no,” a flustered Muhammad replied. “Where am I in the Bible? I do not see any pictures of me.”

            Of course, Muhammad’s companions knew better than to point out that if Muhammad had learned to read, he wouldn’t have needed a picture book Bible in the first place.

            At the time of this article’s publication, there remains no pictures of Muhammad in the Gospels since it is forbidden to depict the prophet of Islam.

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