Beyond the Satire: How do Christians Defend the Incarnation?
Beyond the Satire: How do Christians Defend the Incarnation?

The incarnation of Jesus Christ is arguably one of the toughest concepts for Christians to grasp. It is a tough concept to grasp today and has been tough for Christians to grasp down through the centuries.

The Bible states unequivocally that Jesus was both fully God and fully man. Neither of these natures were compromised in any way, and both were complete. Christians have wrestled with questions such as how He can be both independent and dependent, both omnipotent and non – omnipotent.

Muslims and atheists have been attacking the doctrine of the incarnation as incoherent and illogical since there have been atheists and Muslims to make such declarations.

In light of these truths, how do we, as faithful Biblical Christians defend one of the most important aspects of biblical truth? I would argue that we are fighting the wrong battle when it comes to the defense of the incarnation.

Muslims and atheists demand to know how the incarnation works. For centuries Christians have been working out their theology and their doctrine to answer these demands. Most of them have such thin lines between heresy and orthodoxy that many Christians would be terrified to even approach the subject. I would make the case that we should not be arguing about how the incarnation happened but rather argue the case that it happened.

In other words, we as mortals cannot grasp the concept of the incarnation because of how unique and how glorious it is. We should be sure to hold to all the Biblical passages that talk about the incarnation, and we should watch that we do not hold beliefs about the incarnation contrary to the Bible. But our arguments with Muslims and atheists should ultimately point straight towards the empty tomb.

We have evidence and documents that a person called Jesus walked the earth in the first century and claimed to be fully God and fully man. This man predicted that he would die on a cross and come to life again three days later in a way that no mere mortal could do. Jesus went on to die in the way he predicted and proceeded to rise three days later. The evidence that Jesus did rise is overwhelming.

We can make sense of these events using our scriptures. The Bible explains the absolute significance of these events. This is seen through prophesies in the OT, the words of Jesus and his disciples, and the letters of Paul. The Bible tells us that Jesus was fully God and fully man. Not only that, but Christian doctrine also claims that Jesus had to be fully God and fully man for this event to have occurred. The point is that we can defend our belief in the incarnation because of the risen Jesus. He rose, and we know he rose, so therefore, even though we do not fully understand it, the doctrine of the incarnation must work. Again, we do not know how it happened, but we do know that it happened.

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