Does Satirical Apologetics Require Humility?
Does Satirical Apologetics Require Humility?

Personally, one of the aspects of studying apologetics that drives me crazy is the “doctrinal perfectionism” of many of today’s apologists. The work of apologetics requires the apologist to draw narrow lines in the sand on issues of doctrine. In many instances, this is necessary. However, when I use the term “doctrinal perfectionism” I am not talking about issues that leave no room for debate in the Christian life. For instance, no “Christian” should be compromising on whether Jesus rose from the dead. I am talking about all the little theological debates we have where questions are still unanswered; questions where there is room amongst Biblical Christians for disagreement.

A prime example of this is the predestination/free will debate. It drives me crazy listening to apologists who think anyone who is not a Calvinist or anyone who is not an Arminian is going to Hell. You can find a lot of little issues like this that many apologists will tell you point blank you’re going to Hell if you disagree with them. Honestly, the sheer arrogance of apologists who are willing to condemn every one that does not share every minuscular theological view they do is mind boggling. What gives them the idea they have perfect doctrine on everything? If perfection of doctrine is necessary for salvation, what makes them think they are saved? Where in scripture does it say that man will fully understand God? I say this as a Calvinist who thinks scripture backs up his views. I am not saying it is wrong to have opinions on these issues and debate those opinions. I think it is fun. I would just say it is wrong to condemn all those who disagree as heretics.

 I think this should be one of the areas where satirical apologetics shines brightest. It’s easy to condemn everyone you disagree with and spend hours explaining why you are right. All it takes is a loud voice and a lot of arrogance. On the other hand, it’s hard to sit and make fun of aspects of your own theology. I think that takes humility. I mentioned I am a Calvinist; I have written plenty of articles mocking Arminian theology. I have also written plenty of articles mocking my own Calvinistic theology. I think good theological satire should make Calvinists laugh at Calvinists as much as it makes Calvinists laugh at Armenians.

 One of the best thoughts I heard on this issue came from a reviewer who liked the satire because God probably laughs with joy at all our little theological disputes. I think he is right. We need to understand that we cannot comprehend everything about God. We as Christians, and especially Christian apologists need to learn how to not take ourselves so seriously on everything. I think that takes humility and humor.


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